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Notice on collecting standards of Henan Civil Architecture Society

Release time: 2024-04-29Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society

All relevant units:

In order to do a good job in the preparation of the 2024 Henan Civil Architecture Society (hereinafter referred to as the "Society") standard formulation and revision project plan, in accordance with the requirements of the "Henan Civil Architecture Society Standard Management Measures (Trial)", the relevant matters of the society's standard project declaration are hereby notified as follows:

Principles and scope of declaration

Focusing on the development needs and technological innovation of civil construction and related industries, it is coordinated with the current national standards and industry standards, and meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and mandatory standards。The main scope of declaration includes:

(1) Advanced technologies that conform to the state's technological and economic policies;

(2) New technologies, new methods, new materials, new processes, new equipment, etc. in civil construction and related fields;

(3) Technologies conducive to advancing the Belt and Road Initiative and international market competition;

(4) For the existing national standards, industry standards, local standards in the field, can refine the relevant requirements or clear specific technical measures, or put forward stricter than the current national standards, industry standards, local standards technical requirements;

(5) It is conducive to promoting the healthy and sustainable development and technological progress of the civil construction industry;

(6) It is conducive to our province's enterprises to participate in domestic and international engineering construction market competition;

(7) Existing enterprise standards need to be promoted and applied throughout the province, can apply for conversion into society standards;

(8) Local standards that need to be promoted and applied throughout the country may apply to be converted into society standards。

Deployed in response to the National Standardization Development Program,The standards of the society focus on promoting the interactive development of standardization and scientific and technological innovation, improving the level of industrial standardization, improving the standardization guarantee of green development, and accelerating the standardization process of urban and rural construction and social construction,Focus on supporting the development of standards in the fields of "good house", "new infrastructure", urban lifeline safety engineering, green and low-carbon, intelligent construction, public safety, urban renewal, rural construction, and construction industrialization。

2. Categories of declaration

The items to be declared include engineering construction standards, product standards, design atlas, which may be made around the production, design, construction, quality acceptance, testing, management, maintenance or service of new products, new technologies and new systems。

3. Declaration procedures

(1) The society's standards adopt the mode of receiving project approval declarations throughout the year and issuing project approval plans regularly。

(2) The applicant shall submit the Standard Project Proposal of Henan Civil Architecture Society (signed and sealed by the first editor-in-chief) and the draft standard provisions, and send the electronic version to the mailbox of the Standardization Working Committee of the Society (hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Committee"), and send the paper version in duplicate to the Standard Committee;

(3) After the formal review of the application documents, the bid committee will regularly organize the society's standard project review meeting (the time of the project review meeting will be notified separately), and the standards that have passed the project review will be included in the project plan after approval。

V. Other matters

(1) The reporting unit shall have the status of an independent legal person, and the name of the unit shall be consistent with the official seal;

(2) The application documents should be clear and accurate, patent issues should be truthfully filled in, research and award, engineering applications, etc., should provide written descriptions and certification materials。

6. Contact information

Contact: Standardization Working Committee of Henan Civil Architecture Society

Tel: 15937105885 (Mr. Liu)

        13607680760 (Mr. Zhou)

        13253459608 (Mr. Zhang)


Add: No.96 Huanghe Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City (Provincial Construction Workers' Cultural Palace)

Henan Civil Architecture Society

April 29, 2024

Annex: Standard project proposal of Henan Civil Architecture Society.doc

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

Contact information

    • Contact: Zhang Miaozi

    • Contact number: 0371-63934798

    • QQ:2078961585

    • Email:

    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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